Something in the Gulf of Mexico "smells fishy". "Where there is smoke, there is fire." "If it walks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, and pairs well with cranberry...." I am not one prone to believe in ALL conspiracy theories, replete with black helicopters, Tri-Laterial Commission, and Area 51 lore, but something about this oil well disaster "does not add up". Regardless of which idiom you choose, we need to look into this explosion.
Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig, Gulf Of Mexico |
Shortly after the blowout on 10 APR 2010, a military friend passed on to me that he had heard scuttlebutt of something going on in the Gulf weeks before the blowout. A lot of special ops types—USN SEALs, USMC Force Recon, British Special Boat Service (SBS)—were running exercises gaining access to Deep Oil Rigs, and even leaving some behind for security. Then there was the North Korean submarine that was allowed to attack the well as part of the "compensation" for allowing the two reporters (Laura Ling and Euna Lee who work for Al Gore's media outlet "Current TV") to be held in North Korean prisons for wandering across the border, to return home with Bill Clinton. Okay, this one is way out there. However, read on and let me know what you think.
First, let’s examine, or start plotting "data dots", who helped BHO with the largest contributions to his war chest:
- University of California
- Goldman Sachs (this is not the first time you will see this company)
- Harvard University
- Microsoft
- Alphabet, Inc. (Google)
- Citigroup
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
- Time Warner.
Amazing. Together these contributors provide unlimited Intelligence, Financial Resources, access to and distribution of information, and propaganda of his progressive and socialistic ideas.
Of the above group, Goldman Sachs is of specific importance. It was Goldman Sachs that was part of the Bush bailout in his last months in office. Henry Paulson, Bush’s Treasury Secretary, was the architect of the bailout. They also have the greatest investment in carbon credits and offsets trading, purchasing two carbon-offset companies. They have made Al “Sex Poodle” Gore a huge amount of money selling these offsets. This will have a major impact on the Cap and Trade Bill passed early last year. Three weeks before the Deepwater Horizon explosion they divested (sold) nearly 50% of their BP shares. They were not alone in divesting BP assets. BP CEO, Tony “I just want my life back” Hayward sold one-third of his stock in the company. In addition to these sellers, the American investment company Vanguard through two of their funds, Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard Windsor Investor, sold over 1.5 million shares of BP stock. According to BHO’s Public Financial Disclosure Report, he is required to complete each year, all of his wealth is split between two Vanguard funds: Vanguard 500 Index Fund (three accounts) and Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund (three accounts).
Each of these companies has now started investing in another energy company—Exxon Mobile—whom they believe will eventually purchase BP assets if not the entire company. BP has also hired Goldman Sachs to provide advice on how to proceed.
Another company that seemed to be in the right place at the right time is Halliburton. Two weeks prior to the explosion they purchased the world’s largest oil disaster company, Boots & Coots. The two principles of this company were trained and worked alongside great oil rig fighter Paul “Red” Adair.
If you are still with me, you obviously have questions—you should. How could this be? Why would anyone do something like this? Gordon Gekko provides us the answer “Greed is good.” To advance a liberal agenda, to pay back those that got BHO and his socialistic cronies to the White House, is it possible this administration could do such? Before we answer let’s look at one other person that stands to make a lot of money from this. George Soros is one of’s huge financial backers.
George Soros is the major stockholder in a Brazilian oil company |
George Soros |
—Petrobras. Last August, Barack H. Obama gave Brazil $10 Billion US Dollars for offshore drilling and exploration. Why would he support another country's drilling when he does not support it for our country? Incidentally, the initial $2 Billion was immediately funneled to Petrobras. After the explosion in the Gulf, BHO issued a six-month moratorium on all deepwater drilling. Within 48 hours of issuing the moratorium, Soros contacted Laborde Marine, a company that services the deep-water drilling market, attempting to lease all of its vessels and move them to Brazil. Some dates to help track this development.  |
Petrobras Logo |
- 18 MAY 09 Soros Fund Mgmt, LLC sold 5 million common shares of Petrobras.
- 14 AUG 09 George Soros bought 5.8 million shares of Preferred stock in Petrobras.
- 19 AUG 09 BHO commits to $10 billion in loans to Petrobras with an initial payment of $2 billion.
- 20 APR 10 Explosion on BP Deepwater Horizon rig.
- 06 MAY 10 BHO declares a six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling.
The reason Soros bought preferred stock is because the common stock was 21 percent higher than preferred; he made money just on the sale/repurchase of stock. Not to mention the profit in future earnings from stock appreciation and the increase in oil sales as Brazil stands to fill the gap between supply and demand for the US.
Is the administration capable of such an underhanded, illegal
conspiracy all in an attempt to push environmental controls on the US while at the
same time repaying political cronies and making money for all involved? I do
not have the answer to this. There are many Americans that believe George W.
Bush (43), orchestrated the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center Towers and
rigged them to blow with Thermite. I guess both “conspiracies” are possible,
but are they probable? Make your own decision. Research this yourself. Evaluate
the "data dots" and sources then "connect the dots". All of it is on the internet until BHO
installs a “kill switch” to keep you from logging on.
Author's Note: As of the original posting date, 30 JUN 2010, the Deepwater Horizon is still gushing oil into the Gulf.