15 November 2018

Ultimate Surrender

Speaking at a Konrad Adenauer Foundation-sponsored event titled “Parliamentarianism Between Globalisation and National Sovereignty”, Angela Merkel urged countries to surrender sovereignty and allow a common, shared body to govern. She supports a "One World Government".

Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel: "In this day nation states must today – should today, I say – be ready to give up sovereignty." She continued by chastising countries who think “they can solve everything on their own” are simply nationalistic and not patriotic because they “only think about themselves.” (13 NOV 2018)

Her comments echoed those of French President Emmanuel Macron, via Twitter, "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism." (11 NOV 2018)

We have seen how UK Prime Minister Theresa May has done everything in her power to thwart the British Exit from the European Union, BREXIT.

President Emmanuel Macron
Back home in the US, the Liberal Left has established "Sanctuary Cities" protecting Illegal Aliens and other lawbreakers. They want an easy path to citizenship and essentially no borders. We lose our border, we lose our identity and sovereignty. What does "sovereignty" mean? Autonomous. Self-rule. Self-government. Freedom.

Our Country, a Republic, was founded on the premise that our Sovereign Creator, the one true God, gave each of us inalienable rights. Inalienable means, non-transferable, indefeasible, and sacrosanct. These Rights are not given to or even granted to us by man or by any function of man, i.e., government, and therefore the

government cannot void or limit these Rights. Only one's actions can cause a limitation or revocation. If we willingly give up or surrender our sovereignty, then "they" determine "our" rights.

God established Nations and each had marked boundaries. He also told us to obey the rulers of those nations. (Acts 17:26, Romans 13:1-5)

Some like Merkel, Macron, and May push the globalist agenda even when they clearly see the negative impact on each country. Each supports "no borders" and as such has suffered multiple terrorist attacks. They posit true patriotism is only attainable when you reject nationalism and embrace globalism.

Paris 2024, XXXIII

Imagine the games of the XXXIII Olympiad in Paris, France in 2024 where the five interlocking rings are no longer assorted colors, instead, they are one single color. All the athletes walk in en masse, no longer separated by Country wearing their Country’s National Colors. Instead, all are dressed alike. They march in under a common flag, a flag like their uniforms containing all the visible colors, White—a White Flag. Quite symbolic because it would indicate the Ultimate Surrender.

White Flag

We must never yield to the globalists. Even if, in the eyes of Merkel et al, it makes us unpatriotic.

From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. Acts 17:26 (NIV)