28 April 2015

Jerk a Knot in Their Head

Last night I, like many of my friends, watched the news coverage of the #BaltimoreRiots. With all the thoughts and emotions I experienced, I kept thinking of one question: How long do you allow a child to throw a hissy fit? (That is a temper tantrum for my friends North of Mason-Dixon line.)

Sometimes, you let the child have a moment but then you step in. No child of mine ever had a prolonged fit. What I saw last night was an adult version of a hissy fit but had far worse repercussions.
Rioters. (Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty)

First, the Mayor says she allowed those that wanted to express themselves by destroying property "space" to do so. She later denied making any such statement even when video evidence proved her wrong. Second, she did not act fast enough (setting a curfew, putting more police on the street, and calling Governor to ask for help, i.e. National Guard). Third, the mayor told the Police Chief (and some reports indicate President Obama even sent word) to exercise restraint. That is just ridiculous. You must not allow one person to commit one crime. Do not allow them to throw one rock or brick, break one window, or make any type of assault on innocent citizens and certainly the Police.
Baltimore Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.

She made the argument that any police involvement/intervention would escalate the situation. Why then even deploy police? Why have riot squads? The actions (reactions) mirror the response of the Obama administration on the world stage. We do not combat fanatical Islamist extremists with force. Rather, we give them "space". We see how Putin, al-Assad, and now the Iranian leaders are exploiting Obama's inactions to force their will on others. Obama believes if we leave them alone, they will leave us alone.

Another word for this is appeasement. You should never give in to the lawless and certainly those actively engaged in violent behavior. Just see how well this worked out for Europe in the late 1930s led by Neville Chamberlain and his appeasement of Hitler.

No, you do not allow your child to throw a hissy fit. You "jerk a knot in their head" and they "straighten right up". Again, to translate for y'all Yankees, this means you use age-appropriate corrective discipline to change the attitude and BEHAVIOR of your child.

09 April 2015

Golf's Big Three

Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player. 79th Masters, (04 APR 2015)
Earlier today, golf's "Big Three", Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, and Jack "Golden Bear" Nicklaus, officially opened the 79th Masters Tournament.

I, like many others from the curious, to duffers to "pros" will watch the television coverage. Once again, I will make a promise to myself to 'one day' watch from the gallery at Amen Corner. During commercials, I will remember the courses I have played from California to Texas, to Ohio to Florida. Unconsciously, I will smile when I think of a 300-yard drive in front of "C" wing executives from my employer. Then, my second shot was on a Par 5 when I used a slight fade to place me within chipping distance on a blind green. Or, the chip-in for an Eagle on that same hole. I no longer remember where I broke 90 but I know my best round was a 79. So many things, events, places--all forgotten. Regardless of the courses, the shots, the scores, I will always remember Saturday afternoons in the 1970s.

Like most people of my age, we had busy Saturdays during the Spring and Summer. Working in the yard. Doing some repairs or maintenance on a car. Often, just going 'to work'. After all the "To-dos" were finished, we made our way into the air-conditioned rooms of our houses. On Saturdays, the TV was always on channel 3 (WEAR), the Pensacola ABC station.

Many Saturdays, ABC aired a golf tournament and we watched Tom Weiskoph, Hubie Green, Hale Irwin, Johnny Miller, Tom Watson, and of course, Arnold Palmer, Gary Player, and Jack Nicklaus. However, it was not a course or player that first turned my head towards the TV. Instead, it was a song.

Palmer, Player, and Nicklaus on the tee at
Firestone Country Club, Akron, OH, 1965.
More specifically, it was an instrumental theme: "Love's Theme" by Barry White and The Love Unlimited Orchestra. All my golf memories from the mid-70s to the "79th", are woven together with "Love's Theme" serving as the thread. Anytime, I hear this song, I am taken back 40 years to Saturdays in Milton, FL.

Enjoy this song and maybe it will take you back to a happy time and place. If I ever get to the Masters and meet the "Big Three, look for me in Amen Corner.  I will be the guy with earbuds in listening to this song, eyes closed, and a huge smile on his face.