25 September 2017


Could the Alabama Senate run-off election beeee MOORE Strange? (Okay, re-read that sentence in your Chandler Bing of "Friends" voice.)
Judge Roy Moore and "Big" Luther Strange
We have "Big" Luther Strange who received a basketball scholarship to Tulane, appointed by the "Luv Guv" Robert Bentley--former Alabama Governor who was forced to resign for sexual misconduct--to the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions. His opponent is the (Dis)Honorable Roy MOORE, twice removed as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.
Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka
Senate Majority Ldr. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
Each has its own list of supporters. On Senator Strange's "team," we have President Donald Trump, who like Santa Claus is "coming to town" tonight. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) who was born in Alabama, Senator Richard Shelby (R) Alabama's other Senator, Senate Leadership Fund, and The National Rifle Association. In Judge MOORE's "court," we have gun-totin' Momma Bear Sarah Palin, former Trump inner circle members Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (R). Hold on, there's MOORE. Political commentators, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity (his wife is from Montgomery and he had the afternoon talk show on WVNN in Athens, AL), Laura Ingraham, Family Research Council founder Tony Perkins, Duck Dynasty Patriarch Phil "Happy, Happy, Happy" Robertson, and the person depicted on Super Man's pajamas--Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris
Not since the "Seinfeld" finale has a MOORE eclectic and Strange group of people come together for an event. None of it makes sense. Trump ran as an anti-establishment outsider, yet he is backing an establishment-backed candidate. FurtherMOORE, many Alabamians are angry with Trump for his comments and treatment of his favorite son Jeff Sessions--the man's seat we are filling. Judge MOORE has anti-establishment written all over him.
While the attention has been on the Republican run-off, the Democrats are licking their lips. They smell blood in the water. The winner will face Doug Jones, a Democrat who once worked for Senator Howell Heflin. They have to decide who they want to run against Jones. In Alabama, we allow cross-party voting. There could be MOORE Democrats voting next week than Republicans. That would be Strange.
Sarah Palin
I do not know who will win, but in the short term, the USPS might just operate in the black with all the political fliers they are delivering. This week, I received 12 pieces of mail. Yesterday, five pieces; three for MOORE and two for Strange. Read the fliers if you want, but please research the issues then go out and Vote. If you want to bitch, grip, complain about politics, you have to buy a ticket. You get that ticket at the Polls in the form of a sticker--I Voted. I do not care if you are funny lookin', good lookin', or just plain Strange lookin' I want to see MOORE people voting. In this election, we do not use the Electoral College to determine a winner. Whichever candidate receives MOORE votes, wins.

Hold on a moment. Got to turn the volume up. One of my favorite songs is playing. "How do you like it? How do you like it? MOORE! MOORE! MOORE!"
As Chandler would ask, "Could I beeee MOORE subliminal?"

06 January 2017

...Then Sit Down

Dixie Chicks in London, England, 10 MAR 2003
Colin Kaeperncik taking a knee, 01 SEP 2016

Dear Actors, Actresses, Recording Artists, Entertainers, Sports Figures, et al.

I do not have any desire to hear your thoughts or opinions on any subject other than your specific field of work when I invest my time and money to watch and listen to you ENTERTAIN me. It does not matter if you agree with my positions and views, whether you are Conservative or Liberal; sing your song, play your game, act your part, then go home. If you are accepting an award, express your gratitude, shut up, then sit down. Preferably before they play you off the stage.

Save your comments for your social media, late-night shows, and media interviews. For those that continue to do the above, please know, I shall not buy your music, movies, or memorabilia.

I do have one question for you. Why is it acceptable for you to turn down a paying customer who wishes to pay for your services, such as the 45th peaceful transfer of power, because you disagree with PEOTUS views, but a Christian Baker/Florist/Wedding Planer cannot turn down a paying customer because they disagree with their sexual preferences based on religious beliefs? They, like you, have the right to choose where they want to use their talents and services.

Your inability to recognize the hypocrisy of your actions continues to speak volumes well after you are played off the stage.

I remain, Semper Fidelis.