“What you are
about to read is presented in the form of a story, but what is contained within
the story is real”. Jonathan Cahn. These were the opening words of Cahn’s 2012
book, The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery
That Holds the Secret of America’s Future.

The premise of
the book and documentary is based on Isaiah 9:10, “The bricks have fallen down,
but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we
will replace them with cedars.” Cahn draws a parallel between a prophecy
originally intended for Israel, and the events of 9/11 on the United States of
documentary follows the book and explains each of the harbingers (a person or
thing that announces the coming of another) of Isaiah 9:10 and how each of them
happened starting with the terrorist’s attack of 9/11. The harbingers are
warnings from God to this country—America—to repent from our sinful ways. We
have forgotten and even turned away from our spiritual foundations. Instead of
repenting, we continue to rebel, which, I believe will lead to our (America’s)
ultimate downfall.
While the book
is a work of “fiction”, it is based on fact. Cahn provides supporting,
evidentiary material for each of his points. The book can be a bit hard to
follow at times, but the DVD makes it easy. Cahn explains each of the
harbingers in an easy to understand manner. I actually wanted more from the
DVD, but I understand why he chose not to make it a “bible study”. The DVD does
a great job of bringing the pages of the book to “life” with actual images of
the events and places detailed in the book.
Whether you are
a Christian and want to see tangible examples of God’s inerrant word, or an
atheist or even agnostic, this DVD is one you should take the time to watch. If
you are not a believer, view this through the perspective of the writings of
Nostradamus or some other futurists. Someone nearly 3,000 years ago “foretold”
of these events, and now they have “come true”.
The DVD lists and explains each of the Nine Harbingers (1. The Breach 2. The Terrorist 3. The
Bricks 4. The Tower 5. The Gazit Stone 6. The Sycamore Tree 7. The Erez Tree 8.
The Utterance 9. The Prophecy). It also explains the importance of the
Sabbatical year—Shemita (this is an economic judgment of a nation that happens
on Elul 29 in Jewish or Hebrew Calendar. This is a significant event. On 17 SEP
01, just six days after 9/11, stocks fell nearly 700 points (681.81) or 7%. On
the very next Elul 29, which occurred on 29 SEP 08, the NYSE exchange bell did
not ring (watch video); stocks fell 777.7 points or 7%. That’s a lot of 7’s showing up.
Incidentally, the next Elul 29 is 13 SEP 15; wonder what will happen then? There are several other extras
included in the documentary plus a Bonus Section. This is an excellent DVD and
well worth the price.
As I said
earlier, every American needs to watch this DVD. I recommend buying the book as
well. You might also buy a few copies of each for those on your Christmas list.
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