"It's not surprising, then, they get
bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like
them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain
their frustrations."
Barack H. Obama (11 APR 08)
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Obama, San Francisco, APR 2008 |
Most of us remember this quote by then
Senator Obama to a group of Democratic supporters at a fundraiser in San
Francisco, referring to the hardworking, middle-class workers of the mid-West.
It angered honest, hardworking, gun owners, and people of faith. The words he
chose were specific. This man does not throw words around haphazardly. He is a
skilled orator, that understands the impact of words. He chooses them like a
builder who chooses material for a home. He then assembles them to construct an
image he wishes to portray. In this one statement, he outlined, in my opinion,
his agenda for his presidential term. Guns. Religion. Anti-immigrant.
Anti-trade. It illustrates a spiritual, philosophical, ideological, and
anthropological change to this great Country. Let's examine it a bit closer by
looking at the words he chose.

Religion. The USA was founded upon
Judeo-Christian beliefs. We are known around the globe as a Christian nation.
Obama sought to change this. In a CBS interview in 2007, he said,
"Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation." In
2009, while holding a press conference in Turkey he said, "(we Americans)
no longer consider ourselves a Christian nation." While speaking at the
Summit to Counter Violent Extremism--Obama-speak for Islamic
Terrorists--earlier this year, he "fabricated" this statement:
"Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding."
I guess his history books were no better than his geography books; remember his
answer about hoping to visit all 57 states?
In the same speech, be "spun thus yarn". "As I've noted
before. Thomas Jefferson once held a sunset dinner here with an envoy from
Tunisia--perhaps the first Iftar at the White House, more than 200 years ago.
And some of you, as you arrived tonight, may have seen our special display,
courtesy of our friends at the Library of Congress---the Holy Quran that
belonged to Thomas Jefferson. And that's a reminder, along with the generation
of patriotic Muslims in America, that Islam---like so many faiths---is part of
our national story," It is almost like the feel-good movie of the Summer,
but it is not true. None of it is. The first mosque was not erected until 1913.
There was a meeting between Sidi Solima Mellimelli regarding the pirates of the
Barbary Coast. I am sure you recognize the lyric "...to the shores of
Tripoli". Yep, the Barbary Coast. We were fighting "violent
extremism" even then.
Let's not forget the attacks on Christianity.
Forced contraception in healthcare. Religious beliefs trumped by same-sex
marriage. Preventing military chaplains from praying in "Jesus" name
or reading from the Bible. Misinterpreting the Crusades by equating them to
acts of "violent extremism". To this Redneck, it is clear to see the
"writing on the wall" (read Daniel Chapter 5), this President and by
extension, progressive liberals, want to limit your right to worship as you
After the Umpqua College shooting, President
Obama said, "Our thoughts and prayers are not enough." The cover of New
York Daily Post says, "God Isn't Fixing This" mocking the
Christians that offered prayer. It is funny, I believe a hashtag making the
rounds on social media just a few weeks ago read #PrayForParis. I guess prayer
is acceptable for others but not here in the US.

Anti-trade. Here we see his administration
opening up relations with Iran and Cuba. Then we have the TPP, Trans-Pacific
Partnership. This, like the Iran deal, was done in secret. Both sides of the
aisle had supporters and detractors, but no one knew what was in it. Yet, Obama
wants this deal before he leaves office. We have to "pass it to see what's
in it". The political equivalent of Schrodinger's Cat. It is both Good and
Bad until you open it up. Most free trade agreements are political kryptonite.
Good ones make US companies more profitable. Bad ones put many blue-collar
workers out of jobs. Those that lose their jobs would then need some sort of
government assistance to help make ends meet. More government dependence. The
trade agreement would allow for more H-1B Visas, essentially allowing companies
to hire foreign workers on a temporary basis, 3 to 5 years. Disney was doing
this for some of their tech workers, but public outcry forced their change of
Of course, no trade agreement discussion would
be complete without mentioning the Keystone Pipeline and Climate Change. This
president was against the Pipeline simply to satisfy his Far-Left
environmentalists and friends that own railroads. Read up on that. Climate change, specifically the man-made
variety is a farce. Regardless, this president believes it is the single
largest threat to our national security. Mr. President, Climate Change did not
kill people in San Bernardino, CA. It did not kill people in Paris. It did not
kill people in Chattanooga. It is not the reason Christians, Jews, homosexuals, and anyone that is not the right type of Muslim to be killed by horrific
manners in the mid-East.
Mr. President, I am a God-fearing, Bible-believing, Gun-Loving, Redneck Marine, that believes in American
exceptionalism, but sadly, it has lost its way. Too many people want something
given to them--that they are entitled to it--and do not want to work for what
they have. We have turned our backs on our Creator and allowed immoral behavior
to direct our path. This great country was founded on the beliefs of common to
Judaism and Christianity. The Bill of Rights, rights conveyed to us by our
Creator, is not a list of privileges granted to us or earned from by a central
government. You appear to have taken on the role of a Muslim apologist. What
are your motives? Another of o
ur presidents had a different take on Islam. John Quincy Adams: "The precept of the Koran is perpetual war against all who deny that Mahomet (Muhammad) is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force."
Mr. President, you chose your words
carefully. You are a crafty wordsmith. Choosing to call Islamic Terrorists
anything other than what it is, is merely an attempt to minimize the impact.
You are trying to transform this great country into a weaker, government-dependent, nation. It is like you want to knock us down a bit. Your words have
foreshadowed this. I remind you of another crafty wordsmith, the Bard of Avon, and his words, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." I
will use my words and deeds to stop you.
"Such is the spirit, which governs the
hearts of men, to whom treachery and violence are taught as principles of
John Quincy Adams
Mesmerized article written on this blog with other relevant information. It is straight to the point that how we can improve our skills as well as how we can be represented to a new stream of professionalism.
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